Vignolis - Coopérative du Nyonsais


It was the first region in France to achieve AOC accreditation in 1994


Olive oil from Nyons Appellation d'origine contrôlee is extracted from the “TANCHE” variety of olive harvested in the AOC designated ôarea by the cooperative of Nyonsais.  The olives are washed and crushed immediately after picking (within a maximum 48 hours); the resulting paste is cold spun by centrifuge to separate the oil from the vegetable water contained in the fruit: 20 to 25kg of olive oil is extracted from 100kg of olives, 20 to 25kg of water and around 50kg of pulp (grounds).   The oil from the cooperative of Nyonsais is obtained by cold pressing (< 27°), and is of Extra Virgin quality (acidity < 0.8g/l) which explains the care and attention taken to produce the oil.

Olive oil from Nyons is a pure fruit juice obtained only using physical processes (and with no chemicals or artificial preservatives).


Olive oil from Nyons AOC is very smooth, delicately fruity and golden green in colour.  You can sense the flavours of green apples, freshly cut herbe and smell the nuts, almonds and melted butter.


These characteristics come from the land where the olives were grown, the timing of harvest (December, January) when the olives are slightly over-ripe.

Our olive oil is good for your health (for the heart, gall bladder, growth, beauty), and is a natural product (it has been used in our culture for thousands of years), and it is an excellent food ingredient (smell, taste)

Serving suggestions

Olive oil from Nyons AOC can be used with raw starters to add the flavour, richness  and sunshine from Provence.  The Olive oil can also be used for frying and in all cooked dishes, as its characteristics and low acidity >0.8g/l do not emit powerful odours.  Another popular use is as a topping on cooked dishes (fish fillets, steamed vegetables, soup). 

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