Vignolis - Coopérative du Nyonsais


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ItemsQuantitiesPrice, including taxes
Bag in box de Côtes du Rhône AOC Red Organic - 3 L Bag in box de Côtes du Rhône AOC Red Organic - 3 L
Quantity : Price : 18,55 €
Total18,55 €

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Step 1 My order :

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Step 2 My account :

This step allows you to create your account with all the personal information needed for your order or register with your login if you have already subscribed.

Step 3 Summary and confirmation :

This step displays a summary of your order and enables you to select the payment method you wish to use (by bank card or by cheque)

Step 4 Payment :

This step is secured, and is effected on our bank’s server. Your bank details cannot be processed through our website.
Following payment, your order has been finalized, it is being processed by our sales department and you will be contacted by e-mail or telephone for final delivery.


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